Unique pieces

Every touch with the brush is unique

We are all looking for: Unique

Slowly the colours become denser. The dark overlays the light. What may seem almost arbitrary at first glance develops brushstroke by brushstroke into a unique piece - into a painting that is unique in this form. No two yellows are alike, no brush structure can be copied, no priming can be reconstructed.

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Incomparable charm of a unique piece

This is precisely why, even after hundreds of years, originals can be distinguished from forgeries. What experts make use of again and again is what gives each unique painting its so incomparable charm, a coating that so seduces us, that we are always looking for and that fascinates us. Everyone would like to assume that it is so difficult for the layman to get involved with an original because the eye can often be deceived. Nevertheless, there are often worlds between the picture and the image, variations in mood, nuances of colour, moving details that only shape the unique.

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An eye-catcher: unique creativity

It is precisely this mood, this uniqueness, that many art lovers are looking for. At first glance, perhaps not such a hopeless endeavour, but the more the enthusiasm spreads, the more difficult it becomes to identify the special features. Especially those who specialise in unique pieces often pay well for these offers. Because just this one idea, this one painting, the sculpture, the eye-catching clothing is created only once, shapes a room only once. It is precisely this exclusivity that an author must be remunerated for. The unique piece limits his creativity to a certain extent.

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Picture above: Unique painting newly painted in oil by Inge Philippin "Landscape", 120 x 90 cm, discover more unique art by I.Philippin  >> here

Worthwhile search in the gallery

Nothing is as beautiful as the unique. Something unmistakable, something not industrially produced. That is the quest for a piece of craftsmanship - artisanry. That's why it's only logical: we all strive for special uniqueness, and sometimes no price is too high. Looking for perfection, for balance, for special composition, we are busy collecting impressions that are as authentic as possible. Preferably, we define art as a chance to surround ourselves with special works. The epitome of originality, of the unique, are the exclusive drawings, etchings and paintings of the great artists: like the Dutch Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn, Peter PaulRubens or Vincent van Gogh. Sometimes it is the portraits, the sketches or the remarkable still lifes that inspire us. All of these works have a special spirit. The emotional life of these people really jumps out at us as viewers. For many of these artists have developed a very special visual language.

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Often copied and never equalled

At times, our thoughts are preoccupied with finding precisely these unique specimens that exist only once in the world. They are almost synonyms that explain our understanding of culture. To give them even a fleeting attention in museums sometimes explains more than ten years of art study, because suddenly an aura breathes, a personality is awakened once more and through their eyes we may recognise life, flowers, or contemporaries, clothes. For a moment we have this newly constructed, yes: unobstructed view - not only of the unique, quasi as a preview, but through the unique, through time - authentic and without limitation. Even though there are always attempts to copy unique pieces, they almost always lack a spirit, a form of expression, a brushstroke that makes the original unique.

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Which unique piece fascinates you?

As a gallery, we are constantly on the move and in exchange with many emerging or established artists in order to find precisely these originals. Pictures, unique pieces, to which there is no comparison. In this special endeavour, it hardly matters which school the author comes from, who influenced him, which motifs he prefers - it is a technique, a form of expression that inspires and is capable of turning our visual habits upside down - simply a life and work in the unique.

The path to the unique specimen

Many of our artists work with red tones, with backgrounds, with a canvas that gives their work a certain uniqueness. It is precisely these unique pieces that open up for the viewer, a blank page, they are something very special, and just as we as people stand for a uniqueness, with clothes, with jewellery - these artists stand for something very special. Most likely, it is intrinsic to us that we must search for distinctiveness, for that which distinguishes us from billions of other people. If only as an end in itself - an end in itself that is developed into an aspiration. Not entirely new: for how do we succeed in creating a specialness in ourselves over a lifetime if we do not focus on distinctiveness in expression and environment, on unique pieces that simply cannot be copied and reproduced at will, that stand out somewhat from the uniform grey.

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Only in this way do we take the step of being able to stand out. And on closer inspection, our environment also shapes our own thoughts. How free can we be? How interchangeable are our actions? Do we receive attention - are we also unique? Specially equipped with thoughts, ideas and an appearance? What courage does it take to postulate precisely this attitude to life? Or are we talking about remarkable gifts here? Many artists on our website ask themselves the existential questions. Sometimes more often, sometimes louder, not entirely new - but with each painting they deliver an affirmative answer, gifts to the viewer, a unique specimen - painted into times full of arbitrariness. Times in which, at first glance, it hardly matters to create something beautiful. Everywhere, the only question is systemic relevance. Is a beautiful painting system-relevant? We say yes. Because no smartphone, no form and no culture would be sustainable without the many artistic interjections that fire our imagination. Therefore, a question about systemic relevance must already come to nothing. Art lives out of itself and therefore unerringly finds its recipients when it is designed to be disseminated and accessible.


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Are we grasping the paradigm shift?

Over many years, many artists have developed a style that cannot be copied. On our website you will always find a preview of moving images, not just any products - new and unique - nothing more than precious gifts. It is all about perspectives, a snapshot that only the eye of the individual author, that of the artist, the creator of a unique piece can see - original. Anyone who has ever tried to find a unique piece in our archive that suits his or her personality, that is adapted to the workspace, that creates an atmosphere for the home, that first lends a fascinating perspective to the living environment, has an idea of this: unique is not unique.

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As a gallery, we are always looking for such original impressions, for contacts with interesting people who are able to recognise situations with their eyes and preserve them for years. This working process does not happen overnight, but it develops. In our depot there are hundreds of unique pieces, products, large-scale works and small styles that can easily outstrip the dreariness of everyday life. Pictures see themselves as adornments for the walls, gifts for the soul. They are too good for an archive. Find your way to our well-stocked shop. Visit our website.
