Alex Krull at Inspire ART

Alex Krull

Alex Krull   Realism, shaped by water. A lonely, particularly quiet mood, unreal and suggestive, is common to all the works. Alex Krull does something completely out of time: strikingly beautiful paintings. Her paintings, detailed subjects of swimming pool scenes, are accessible even without explanations, and yet there is complex theory behind her works. The art prize winner experiments with a basic condition of detail-oriented, photorealistic painting - the factor of time. She understands photorealistic painting as an intellectual challenge and provides her audience with pleasurable visual experiences. Her painting is restrained and sensitive in the best sense.

Alex Krull tells about water, people and swimming pools. The special thing about it: She associatively links images from extreme close-up, such as technical details or individual people, with large canvas formats. The image seems to determine reality. Her environment, especially the joint work with various artists, has shown her the way - with her detailed explorations of reality she is now on the threshold of international success.

Working method
In the initial working process, first photo sketches are made directly on the scene. At some point in a lengthy process, the camera comes into play. She photographs a motif several times, as details seem to change constantly depending on the light and the movement of the water. Later, she evaluates this preliminary work in the studio, changes the motif, decides on a section of the picture, varies the composition and plays with the colours. Then she brings her idea to the canvas. This is not infrequently done by means of preliminary drawings, now and then she uses acrylic underpainting. A subsequent final elaboration is always done in many, elaborate layers of paint, always in oil.

- Alex Krull (name change in 2019; previously: Alex Heil)
- Studied communication science, psychology & art science, Essen, Germany
- Studied free painting (SGD), Darmstadt
- Lessons at the Freie Kunstschule Cologne
- Private lessons with various artists
- Author for creative magazines
- Lecturer for painting

Art award
- Winner of the art competition "Wasserwelten", artist window No. 47, November 2015

- regular exhibitions at home and abroad

Art associations
- Member of the BBK Düsseldorf

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