Buy Modern Art Pictures

Buy New Art Paintings - Discover the Right Painting for Your Personal Needs

Buy art paintings at the gallery you trust - online with all the advantages

In the field of modern painting, the range of possibilities is diverse, which also applies to the individual art styles and definitions. Thus, "modern art" is a term for 20th-century avant-gardism that is widespread even into the vernacular, but which, conversely, lacks the necessary discriminatory power. A clearer, though also ambiguous, contrast exists between the technical terms "modern art" and "contemporary art epoch". With us, you can buy beautiful art paintings, discover unique one-of-a-kind works in oil and acrylic and order contemporary paintings directly.

Buy New Art Paintings

Arrangement wall pictures : New unique art pictures, watercolours and sculptures - find the right picture that suits you before ordering wall pictures.

Modern Art or Contemporary Painting? An attempt at differentiation

Ordering genuine oil and acrylic paintings is no longer the preserve of art connoisseurs. With the right information and a sound background knowledge, art paintings can be bought without unpleasant surprises. We give you an overview: The term "modern art" commonly refers to all artistic developments from around 1870 onwards and thus includes Expressionism with its subjective depiction of experience, the realistic and partially satirical Neue Sachlichkeit (New Objectivity) and Dadaism, which was directed against the artistic establishment. Other genres include Pop and Minimal Art, Happening and Fluxus, as well as the New Wilds or Heftigen of the 1980s.

New modern Art Paintings

In terms of art and cultural history, avant-gardism has not yet come to an end; regardless, it already has the status of a historical epoch.

Contemporary or current representations, on the other hand, are by definition art created by contemporaries and to which other contemporaries attach significance.

Thus, unless otherwise specified, this term always refers to the respective art of the present and is not conceptually, stylistically or even technically anchored - in English, this is referred to as "contemporary art".

Since the 1970s, there has been increasing discussion about the extent to which current contemporary art can still be classified as modern or already postmodern; in its entirety or merely in parts. If you want to buy real art pictures or order canvas pictures, inform yourself in advance about important details concerning the purchase of art!

A picture of the Inspire ART collective - great variety in different formats

The artists' collective of our Dresden gallery always enters this field of tension between modernism and postmodernism and creates expressive motifs and unique works on canvas or behind glass using high-quality acrylic paints. An art purchase should be sufficiently considered and well-selected. Before buying art paintings, it is often useful to obtain relevant information about the artwork, artists or galleries in advance. An example of this is the contemporary painting by Etienne Donnay, who deals with impressions from nature, introspective and interpersonal themes in his works, among other things.

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Picture above: Buy art pictures with picture frame and upgrade your own four walls uniquely and stylishly, aesthetic painting on canvas "Seaside" by DIEU, 150x50cm, 2019.

Find unique paintings and impressive murals by emerging and established artists: You can buy art paintings directly in our gallery in Dresden or take advantage of our online offer, discover special one-of-a-kind art and purchase paintings via Online Gallery Inspire Art - explore the versatile assortment of the online gallery!

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Our portfolio holds diverse and multifaceted motifs, editions and unique pieces on canvas by creatively talented artists for you. Only originals - we do not sell art prints, posters or photographs. Photo art is far removed from painting & printmaking and is not part of our gallery programme. Handmade oil and acrylic paintings as well as sculptures can be found sorted under All Artworks. In addition, you will find the perfect picture frame for your canvas pictures in our shop. If you have any questions, please contact us via the >> contact formular
